8-Yr-Old Boys Bursts Into Tears At His 1st EVER Birthday Party

There are times in life when we get disappointed because we couldn’t get that new phone, or because we couldn’t afford a nice vacation. Sadly, we don’t realize that there are people who live on the verge of poverty and would do anything to have the things we have, and that’s the reason we should never take things for granted and always be thankful for the life we have.
Angel David was about to turn eight years old. Up until then, he had never celebrated his birthday the way his peers did, with a cake or a party. It wasn’t that his mom didn’t want to do a proper celebration for her son, she just couldn’t afford it.
But this year was different. Angel’s class teacher and his classmates knew he had never had a party before, so they decided to step up and throw one for him.
They were all inside the classroom, waiting for Angel to arrive.